CGUL | General utility library |
DataTypes | Enum full of basic image data types |
File | A simple file utility |
GL | Contains all of the OpenGL defines |
ImageFormats | Namespace full of pre-defined image formats. They are named using the same system as OpenGL. See: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Image_Format |
ImageLoaders | |
JPEG | JPEG Loader |
PNG | PNG Loader |
PPM | PPM Loader |
ImageMixMethods | Enum holding the supported image mixing methods |
JSON | |
Array | |
Object | |
Value | |
Math | A namespace containing many common mathematical functions |
Memory | A simple memory utility |
Network | An experimental network namespace |
IPAddressType | A list of supported IP address types |
Adapter | Contains information about a network interface |
DNS | Utility class used to perform DNS lookups |
Header | A structure containing the response header for HTTPRequests |
HTTPRequest | A class to connect to webpages and request data |
IPAddress | Utility class to handle IPv4 or IPv6 addresses |
SocketTCP | A class to connect to or listen on a TCP network |
SocketUDP | A class to communicate on a UDP network |
OpenGL | Experimental OpenGL wrapper |
Context | |
Array | |
Container | |
FixedList | A fixed list interface to set a fixed amount of data and fill in the slots of data |
HashMap | |
List | |
Vector | A vector functionally equivalent to an std::vector but capable of acting as a FixedList |
Exception | |
FatalException | |
FileException | |
ImageException | |
NetworkException | |
OpenGLException | |
StringException | |
SystemCode | |
WindowException | |
Font | |
Glyph | |
Vector3T | A three dimensional 32 bit floating point vector |
Vector4T | A four dimensional 32 bit floating point vector |
ColorT | An RGBA (red, green, blue, alpha) color |
ImageFilter | A class for performing convolution filters on images. Filter rule: filter size must be odd (e.x 3x3, 5x5, etc) Note: Works similar to the method at: http://lodev.org/cgtutor/filtering.html |
ImageFormat | A struct that defines an image format and how to treat it |
Image | A container capable of loading and manipulating RGBA images |
ImageHandler | Singleton class that registers image loaders/writers |
ImageLoader | Base class for image loaders |
Angle | |
Vector2T | A two dimensional 32 bit floating point vector |
QuaternionT | Quaternion |
MatrixT | A 4v4 matrix |
Random | A linear congruential generator capable of generating pseudorandom numbers |
AutoRelease | An AutoRelease class to help be RAII compliant |
ConditionVariable | |
Event | A simple file utility |
FileFinder | |
Logger | |
Mutex | |
Regex | Regular expressions |
String | A Utf-8 compliant string |
Thread | |
Timer | A timer to keep track of time, similar to a stop watch |
WindowKeyButtonEvent | |
WindowMouseButtonEvent | |
WindowMouseMoveEvent | |
Window | A class capable of creating windows and manipulating them |
WindowStyle | Contains customizable attributes for window creation |
jpegErrorMgr |